If the 'Torch' is not for the class youneed it for, you're only choice will to be totrade that torch for another torch for the classyou need. After you defeat the third boss, it willdrop a Large Charm (who's text will be in gold).Identify this charm to receive a Hellfire Torch.The torch will give +3 to a random classes skills,+10-+20 to all attributes, +10-+20 to allresistances, and 10 charges of a level 30 firehydra. Once 2 bosses are defeated, there will be oneleft. Lure each boss in a corner of Tristam and squareoff with them. Your Focus should beone the 3 bosses in Tristam: Uber Mephisto, Uberdiablo, and Uber Baal. Once you travel through theportal, you will meet hordes upon hordes ofskeletons, many of which are completely magicimmune. You are about to face the hardest encounter in thegame, so get ready. Another red portal will open, but thisone will be called 'Tristam', or 'Uber Tristam'. Put all 3 organs in the Horadric cube and hittransmute. Now exit the game, and make a new game in hell mode.

Now when you kill these 3 uber bosses from the Redportal levels, each boss will drop one 'Organ'.The organs are: Diablo's horn, Mephisto's brain,and Baal's eye. Now I suggest that you open all 3 portals in thesame game, in different places in Harrogath,because which portals open is completely random,but if you already have 1 portal open, thatguarantees that one of the remaining to 2 portalswill open with the next transmute. In 'Theforgotten sands' you will face off against UberDurial, and in 'The Matron Den' you will face offagainst Lilith (who looks much like andariel). In 'The Hell Furnace',you will face off against Uber Izual. You musttravel through this red portal to get to the uberboss within each portal. A redportal will appear (much like the cow level), thered portal will either say 'The Matron Den', 'TheHell Furnace', or 'The Forgotten Sands'. Put one set of keysin the Horadric cube and hit transmute. ), you ready for thenext step: Now you must travel to act 5 of hellmode and transmute the keys.

Once you have killed these 3 mini-bosses enoughtimes to receive 3 sets of keys, (that means 3tkeys, 3 hkeys, and 3 dkeys. You get thesekeys, (called terror key, hell key, and destructionkey), from 3 certain mini-bosses in hell mode.These keys randomly drop off of The countess inact1, The Summoner in act2, and Nihlathak in act5. In the new version of this game, there are new characters added as well, like The Druid and The Assassin.First, you must get 3 sets of keys. However, if the player has chosen a hardcore character, then he will only have one life, and if killed, he would turn out to be permanently dead. When the player chooses the normal mode, they are able to resurrect their character if killed. The new version has also added three difficulty levels the gamers can choose from normal, nightmare and hell. There is an occasional portal that pops up and take the gamer back to Act IV, where there are more monsters and added experience. The main idea behind this act is to let the player explore mountainous areas, where there are icy tunnels, and caverns. This doesn’t end here, as the Lord of Destruction, which is an added story to Diablo, comes up with the fifth Act. The last Act has three quests, while the first three Acts have six quests. The fourth act takes the gamer straight to Hell, and there are three quests that the gamer has to pass. Act II resembles an Ancient Egypt desert, while Act II is based on the jungles of Central America. In Act I, there is a palisade fort, where there are plains and forests which make up the wildness in the game. The themes of this game are varied, compared to the first part. They drop in the game randomly, and the player has to progress by going through them. Every act has a predetermined path, and these paths include dungeons or wild area. The game’s storyline has 4 chapters in total these chapters are also referred to as “Acts”. This video game has the distinction of being awarded the ‘greatest video games ever made’ title. In fact, Diablo II was also successful in the year of its release.

Diablo 2 Serial Key Overviewĭiablo I was released in 1997, and it was very successful. It has horror themes, which many gamers love, and the designers of the game are David Brevik and Erich Schaefer. The most appealing part of this game is that it is a dark fantasy game.
This game was originally made for Microsoft Windows and now works in macOS as well. Diablo II is a really nice hack and slashes computer video game, which was published in 2000 by Blizzard Entertainment.